
The algorithm in this repository optimizes Ogata’s quadrature formula for TMD phenomenology. This work is based on the Ogata quadrature formula, which is given by the expression

\[\begin{align} \int_{0}^{\infty} dx f(x) J_n(x) \approx \pi \sum_{j = 1}^{N} \omega_{n j} f\left(\frac{\pi}{h}\psi(x_{n j})\right) J_n\left(\frac{\pi}{h}\psi(x_{n j})\right) \psi'(x_{n j})\,. \end{align}\]

In this expression, \(w_{n j}\) and \(x_{n j}\) are the weights and nodes of the quadrature which are defined by

\[\begin{align} w_{n j} = \frac{2}{\pi^2 \xi_{n j}J_{n+1}(\pi\xi_{n j})}\;, \qquad x_{n j} = h \xi_{n j}\; , \qquad J_n(\pi \xi_{n j}) = 0\; \end{align}\]


\[\psi(t) = t \tanh\left(\frac{\pi}{2}\sinh(t)\right)\]

and the function \(J_n(x)\) is the Bessel function of the first kind of order \(n\). The quadrature has two parameters which control the numerical errors, \(N\), the number of nodes used in the quadrature, and \(h\), is the node spacing parameter. For further details on this quadrature formula, please see reference [54] in our paper.

For TMD phenomenology, numerical Hankel transformations must be performed from \(b_\perp\)-space to transverse momentum space, \(q_\perp\)-space. However, integrals of the form

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} W(q_\perp) &= \int_0^{\infty} \frac{db_\perp}{2 \pi} b_\perp^{n+1} \widetilde{W}(b_\perp) J_n(b_\perp q_\perp) \\ &= \frac{1}{q_\perp^{n+2}}\int_0^{\infty} \frac{dx}{2 \pi} x^{n+1} \widetilde{W}\left(\frac{x}{q_\perp}\right) J_n(x) \end{align}\end{split}\]

tend to be huge bottlenecks of numerical computations. Note that to go from the first to the second line, we have made the substitution \(x = b_\perp q_\perp\) in order to match the form of the Ogata quadrature formula.

In order to optimize the quadrature formula, we exploit the fact that the function \(b_\perp^{n+1} \widetilde{W}(b_\perp)\) is unimodal on the positive \(b_\perp\)-axis. Our integrator takes as input \(\widetilde{W}(b_\perp)\), \(q_\perp\), \(N\), \(n\), as well as \(Q\), an initial guess for the inverse of the value of \(b_\perp\) at which the function \(b_\perp^{n+1} \widetilde{W}(b_\perp)\) is maximized. From this input, the algorithm uses Eq. (21) and Eq.(23) in our paper to find that value of \(h\) which optimizes the performance of the quadrature. The integrator outputs the numerical value

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} \textrm{FBT}(n,\widetilde{W}\left(b_\perp\right),q_\perp,Q,N) \approx \frac{1}{2 q_\perp^{2n+2}} \sum_{j = 1}^{N} \omega_{n j} & \left(\frac{\pi}{h}\psi(x_{n j})\right)^{2n+1} \widetilde{W}\left(\frac{1}{q_\perp}\frac{\pi}{h}\psi(x_{n j})\right) \\ & \times J_n\left(\frac{\pi}{h}\psi(x_{n j})\right) \psi'(x_{n j})\,. \end{align}\end{split}\]

It is important to note when using the integrator, the factor of \(\frac{1}{2\pi}\) is included in the numerical output and that the function \(\widetilde{W}\) must be \(b_\perp\) dependent.